Amstrad/Schneider CPC 6128 - programmed software |
nickname / pseudo in the CPC scene: Domes-DOS (formerly: Whitesoft) |
tool for protocolling + calculation during dart games (1995) Small dart tournaments with friends required a supportive computer program. The program supports up to 4 players, up to 4 of them can be played by the computer. The grade of the computer-opponent's skills can be chosen between 6 different levels. supported games: Cricket, League, 301 (startvalue can be chosen) and shanghai. facts: 21 KB, 447 lines of code details:
Textadventure "Panik in München" (1990)
Humorous textadventure, set in Munich. the task: You are Dr Sepp Baierl, a tourist visiting Munich. You have to clear up a murder in the Nymphenburg castle, arrest a criminal and you must enable the soccer match of the FC Bayern Munich and AC Milan that shall start in the evening - several soccer players have mysteriously disappeared. Lots of dangers, soccer fans and gags await the adventurer in the streets and parks of Munich. concept by: Domes-DOS + foolish hawk programming: Domes-DOS facts: 31 KB, 89 locations, 25 objetcs, 9 verbs, 413 lines of code, save game to disc and RAM, 3 images during gameplay details:
Textadventure "Die Klassenfeier" (1990) Humorous textadventure pulling the leg of all classmates during 11th class in school. the task: The adventure plays in Miltenberg/Germany. You're goal is to reach "the Kohlgrund" with a bottle of beer. The kohlgrund is a place in a valley near Miltenberg where lots of open air school parties took place. But before you get through to the party you have to survive nasty schoolfellows, autocycle rockers and the evil Emil. A fireworks of gags for all classmates of the 11ab (1989/90) at the JBG/MIL. facts: 37 KB, 97 locations, 24 objects, 11 verbs, 456 lines of code, save game to disc and RAM, 3 images during gamesplay |
AmsDOS shell extension "Tyrant screen" (1990) AMSDOS shell with split windows to ease the "work" (like programming) in AMSDOS/Basic. features: display of clock time, flashing cursor, keyboard-clicksound, function keys are mapped with often used commands, integrated disc-access accelerator, defined shortcuts for popular basic commands facts: 37 KB |
Star LC-24-10 dot matrix printer controlcode centronics tool In those days you were 'king of the road' if you owned a (loud) 24 dot matrix printer. My model was a Star LC24-10. Many programs used font-styles that were accessed in the printer internally; only a few programs printed text graphically. So you had to send special code sequences to the printer - via the centronics port - in order to set the desired styles in the printer beforce sending the print job. After studying the technical part of the printer's handbook, I wrote a tool that could sending 57 different controlcodes to the Star printer. faxts: 5 KB, 94 lines of code |
Basic program "Auf der Schwaeb'sche Eisebahne" Program, which uses the SOUND command (for the sound) and for/next-loops (for the timing) :-) in order to play the german traditional song "Auf der schwaebsche Eisebahne". facts: 4 KB, 41 lines of code, 53 empty for/next-loops, 192 SOUND commands details: |
Basic programm "tune your guitar" A guitar has to be tuned sometimes ... why not use the CPC ? facts: 2 KB, 32 lines of code |
Telephone charges tool/calculator (1993) This program has to be started when initiating a phone call. It counts the elapsed time and the progress of the charges. scales of charges: Normaltarif Nah/Zone 1-3, Billigtarif Nah/Zone1-3 of Deutsche Telekom 1993 facts: 3 KB, 35 lines of code |
Domes-DOS bee corroding demo (1991) Image with scrolling text and background music. The image was painted (pixel by pixel) in OCP Art Studio (mode 0). The demo let's the user choose between green- and colour-screen. facts: 91 KB, 2 images, short animation, audio sample of JS Bach's toccata in screen2 |
Domes-DOS Antidrugs demo (1991) Image with scrolling text and background music. The image was painted in OCP Art Studio (mode 0). facts: 63 KB |